global view constructed of white lines


September 18, 2024

Plastic Surgery for the Vocal Cords│Dr. Omid B. Mehdizadeh

by Anthony Effinger

This episode comes from the ThinkNeuro Podcast, Dr. Omid Mehdizadeh, an otolaryngologist specializing in voice and swallowing disorders, explains how innovative treatments, like vocal cord injections, can help patients regain their voice and improve swallowing function. Dr. Mehdizadeh shares how aging, strokes, and other conditions affect the vocal cords and what can be done to restore their function. Listen to this episode to learn about the importance of vocal cord health and the advanced techniques used to treat them.

Are you sleeping well?
September 3, 2024

Better Sleep Leads to Better Brain Health

by Omid Mehdizadeh

Sleep disruption can lead to fatigue, irritability, lack of focus, depression, and overall quality of life issues. Do you have sleep apnea?

elderly woman sleeping in bed
July 29, 2024

What is Sleep Apnea?

by PNI Experts

Do you suffer with sleep apnea? If you do and you are unable to tolerate the CPAP machine, an implantable second-line therapy device is available at Pacific Neuroscience Institute®.  PNI offers Inspire, a medical implant for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea with ENT surgeon, Omid B. Mehdizadeh, MD.  Read on to learn more about sleep apnea.

April 18, 2024

Using Professional Experience Beyond Medicine to Treat the Vocal Cords│Romina Huerta

by Anthony Effinger

Use the term “vocal cords” and most people think of the structure that lets us talk, sing and yell. But these folds of throat tissue do much more. Listen to find out more.

September 13, 2022

Treatment & Clinical Research for Head and Neck Cancer at PNI

by Guest Author

Evan Walgama, MD, a head and neck surgical oncologist at Pacific Neuroscience Institute's Eye, Ear, and Skull Base Center believes patient decision-making and quality of life are critical metrics in medicine.

220726 USNWR award
July 27, 2022

Neurology and Neurosurgery High Level Performance Recognized at Providence Hospitals

by Zara Jethani

Pacific Neuroscience Institute teams in Neurology and Neurosurgery contribute to High Performing Hospitals in US News & World Report rankings.

LA Mag top docs 2022
April 7, 2022

Pacific Neuroscience Institute Physicians Named “L.A.’s Top Doctors” of 2022

by Zara Jethani

This year, six of Pacific Neuroscience Institute’s physicians were included in Los Angeles Magazine’s April 2022 roster of “L.A.’s Top Doctors.”

Dr. Omid Mehdizadeh Voice swallow dysfunction
September 24, 2021

Professional Spotlight | Dr. Omid Mehdizadeh: Voice & Swallow Advocate

by Amelia Garrison

Did you know that some swallowing problems can be caused by a medical condition? PNI expert Dr. Omid Mehdizadeh treats both voice and swallowing dysfunction. When swallowing becomes a problem Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) can become a chronic issue that affects anyone, but is often experienced...

Los Angeles Magazine Top Doctors 2021
April 9, 2021

Pacific Neuroscience Institute Physicians Named “L.A.’s Top Doctors” of 2021

by Zara Jethani

This year, seven of Pacific Neuroscience Institute Medical Group’s physicians were included in Los Angeles Magazine’s April 2021 roster of “L.A.’s Top Doctors.” The results were based on a Los Angeles Magazine survey that asked physicians throughout Los Angeles County to identify the doctors they considered to be...

dr. chester griffiths with a young patient
large group of nurses and surgeons
girl in a purple living our mission shirt
doctor performing a procedure on a patient
group of surgeons outside an OR
hands holding up signs with nouns
March 7, 2020

7 Days with Dr. Chester Griffiths: Mission to Guatemala

by Zara Jethani

Committed to charity efforts throughout his career, Chester F. Griffiths, MD, FACS, has sought out opportunities to bring his considerable surgical skills to aiding the less fortunate. One of the four founders of Pacific Neuroscience Institute, an affiliate of Providence Saint John’s Health Center, Dr....

Last updated: September 9th, 2022