Seattle Science Foundation TV: Endoscopic Assisted Keyhole Approaches For Brain Surgery
by Zara Jethani
Keyhole surgery is the concept of safely removing brain, skull base and pituitary tumors through smaller, more precise openings that minimize collateral damage to surrounding scalp, brain, blood vessels and nerves. A majority of these tumors can now be removed via one of the several keyhole approaches available nowadays, using a small craniotomy (bony skull opening) or an approach through the nostrils. These approaches are technically demanding, require specialized instrumentation, significant surgical expertise and are not appropriate for all tumors. Find out more.
Patient Story: When A Pimple Was Actually Skin Cancer
by Zara Jethani
In this incredible story about a remarkable patient, which aired on “The Doctors”, what looked like a tiny pimple on a patient’s nose, turned out to be a very deeply seated cancer. Her dermatologist referred her to Dr. Kian Karimi. What happened next will shock you.
Professional Spotlight: Dr. Santosh Kesari Awarded “The Duke” at 34th Annual Odyssey Ball
by Guest Author
The John Wayne Cancer Institute Auxiliary (JWCIA) honored neurologist and neuro-oncologist Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD, with "The Duke" Special Service Award, and philanthropist and President of Premier Girls Fastpitch Dan Hay with the Generation of Hope Award, at La Odisea, the 34th Odyssey Ball on May 4, 2019. Read more.
John Singleton: What Causes a Stroke?
by Guest Author
Director, John Singleton’s death from a stroke at the age of 51 shocked and saddened fans and celebrities. Dr. Jason Tarpley talks about causes. Read more.
Brain Matters: Dementia Caused By Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Can Be Reversible
by Garni Barkhoudarian
A small percentage of patients with dementia may have a brain condition called normal pressure hydrocephalus. The good news is that with the appropriate interventions, the dementia can be reversible. Learn more.
Patient Story: Making an Impact in Glioblastoma Treatment
by Guest Author
The research arm at Pacific Neuroscience Institute confronts some of medicine’s biggest brain tumor challenges. Read this story about glioblastoma and the innovative clinical trial treatment a patient received.
Last updated: April 19th, 2021