Current Clinical Trials
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Current Clinical Trials for the Brain Tumor Center
We can help you determine the optimal approach. Our clinical trials & other research efforts are summarized below.
For Providers: Clinical Trials Flyers
Details about each trial can be found in these downloadable information sheets.
- AbbieVie
- Aadi
- Aivita
- Boeringer Ingelheim
- Boston BioMedical
- CancerLife
- CancerLife2
- Diffusion
- Eli Lilly
- Family Caregiver
- Kadmon
- Medicenna
- Nativis
- Nativis 109
- Northwestern
- Novocure
- Orbus
- Sanofi
- Triphase
For more information, contact the Neuro-oncology Clinical Trials Team at neuro.oncology@jwci.org or 310-829-8265.