Contact Us
If you believe you are experiencing a medical or life-threatening emergency Call 911 immediately.
Do not rely on communication through this website for urgent medical needs.
Facial Pain Consultation
We are dedicated to providing you quality care. If possible, please provide us with your most recent medical records including diagnostic imaging (e.g., MRI, CT), blood tests and prior consultations; your information can be uploaded, faxed, emailed or mailed to our office. For out-of-region and international patients your CT and MRI images can be uploaded electronically to our secure server for our physicians to view. Upon submission of the form someone will contact you within 24 to 48 hours to schedule a consultation.
Virtual Visits
In these uncertain times, we’re making it easy and safe to talk to your PNI doctor from your home using Zoom technology on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Telemedicine consultations are available. Learn more about virtual visits.
Contact Us Via Phone
Specialist Consultations: 310-582-7450
- Dr. Garni Barkhoudarian, Neurosurgeon
- Dr. Marisa Chang, Neurologist
Contact Us Online
Learn more about your treatment options.
Securely upload your images and medical records
For a consultation or review of your records, please complete the form below. We will respond to you by email or a phone call within 12-24 hours.