Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials Allow Patients to Try Novel Therapeutics
Clinical trials are research studies that contribute significantly to the advancement of clinical and medical knowledge concerning a disease.
The data that is collected during the course of a trial provides a deeper understanding of how to detect, prevent or treat an illness and depending upon your condition, we may recommend participation in a clinical trial.
A clinical trial protocol differs from standard treatment at a doctor’s office where the goal is to diagnose and treat the disease with established therapies. Instead clinical trials involve the use of new therapies, current treatments used in an innovative way, or new surgical procedures. An Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval is always obtained prior to activating a study weighing the risks and benefits of a study. The IRB ensures that the clinical trial is conducted in accordance with all federal, institutional, and ethical guidelines.

Therapeutic Opportunities for Patients
We strive to provide compassionate and state-of-the-art clinical care for each of our patients. Clinical trials bringing novel therapeutics to patients are conducted through Saint John’s Cancer Institute and patients are treated in our clinics at Pacific Neuroscience Institute located at Providence Saint John’s Health Center.
We provide innovative clinical trials for patients including those with primary brain tumors like glioblastoma (GBM), as well as patients with cancers that have metastasized to the brain from primary cancers such as breast, lung, and skin. In addition, studies and trials are available for other areas such as pituitary disorders, quality of life research for patients & caregivers, as well as stem cell protocols for stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Please contact our clinical trials team for a consultation with a specialist or find out if you are eligible for a clinical trial protocol.
For news and stories about clinical trials, please see our Clinical Trials Round-Up Blog Series.

Clinical Trials at PNI

Man On A Mission

Brain Health Center Research

Rusty’s Story

The Next Wave of Brain Cancer Research