
Pediatric Cochlear Implant Restores Hearing | Baby Zara’s Grateful Patient Story

🌟 Witness a life-changing moment for baby Zara! Born with profound sensory-neural hearing loss, traditional hearing aids were not appropriate for her. At just 6 months old, Zara is among a small number of children in the United States to receive a cochlear implant at an unusually early age, moving the usual 9-month timeline forward. She received treatment at Pacific Neuroscience Institute and Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. Dr. Courtney Voelker performed the surgery and Dr. Rebecca Lewis activated the cochlear implants. The doctors discuss the positive developmental outcomes seen in children who receive implants at a very young age, emphasizing early intervention for hearing loss in children. Watch as Zara hears for the first time, a heartwarming milestone showcasing medical technology's impactful possibilities. #HearingMiracle #EarlyIntervention #HearingRestoration Consultation : 310-829-6595 Dr. Courtney Voelker: Dr. Rebecca Lewis: