Introducing the Pacific Adult Hydrocephalus Center
by Garni Barkhoudarian
The Pacific Neuroscience Institute is pleased to announce the launch of a new Center of Excellence. The Pacific Adult Hydrocephalus Center is led by neurosurgeon, Garni Barkhoudarian, MD, and neurologist, Daniel Franc, MD, PhD. As specialists in their field, they provide high level care for...
Excellence in Stroke Care: A New Stroke Center in Santa Monica (Part 2 of 2)
by Zara Jethani
Interview by Renee Ovando, RN Throughout the process of becoming a primary stroke center, we have collaborated with Captain Matthew Hill of the Santa Monica Fire Department Emergency Medical Services (SMFD EMS) and Paramedic Program. He is a strong supporter of Providence Saint John Health Center‘s stroke center...
Excellence in Stroke Care: A New Stroke Center in Santa Monica (Part 1 of 2)
by Zara Jethani
We are excited to announce that Providence Saint John’s Health Center has received certification as a Primary Stroke Center from The Joint Commission. This distinction is awarded to centers that make exceptional efforts to achieve better outcomes for their stroke patients. Directors, Jason Tarpley, MD,...
Building a Precision Medicine Team
by Zara Jethani
“Doctors have always recognized that every patient is unique, and doctors have always tried to tailor their treatments as best they can to individuals. You can match a blood transfusion to a blood type — that was an important discovery. What if matching a cancer...
PATIENT STORY: Endocrine-Inactive Pituitary Macroadenoma
by Amy Eisenberg
All In A Day’s Work In July 2015, Brent B. noticed that he was losing his peripheral vision and made an appointment with an ophthalmologist. After a battery of tests, his doctor determined that he should see a neuro-ophthalmologist. He found that Brent had damage to a portion of his optic nerve and an MRI...
Travel Checklist for People with Cancer
by Zara Jethani
It’s time for a vacation! Taking a break can be rejuvenating and provide a lovely change of scene. Whether taking a trip a few miles away or across the country (or globe), people traveling with cancer can make their journey more enjoyable with these plan-ahead tips. General travel considerations:...
Clinical Trials Round-Up: May 2016
by Zara Jethani
We have a number of ongoing and new clinical trials at the Pacific Brain Tumor Center for patients who may benefit from newer brain tumor treatment options. In our Clinical Trials Round-Up blog series, we will periodically provide an update on the latest clinical trials and studies at our center....
Act FAST and Reduce Damage from Stroke
by Zara Jethani
May is American Stroke Month. PNI’s director of vascular neurology, Dr. Jason Tarpley spoke with Providence Saint John’s Health Center Breakthroughs magazine about reducing the damage from stoke. Read the article here. STROKE IS AN EMERGENCY Doctors have several tools for stroke treatment to minimize any long-term effects. However, these treatments...
PATIENT STORY: Many Options to Treat CNS Lymphoma
by Zara Jethani
It was Winston Churchill who famously said, “Never give in—never, never never.” He could have been describing Rudolf Metzger and his Providence Saint John’s Health Center physician Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD. Metzger has confronted numerous obstacles over his 70 years. As a young immigrant from Austria,...
The Pacific Neuroscience Institute Website is Here!
by Daniel F. Kelly
We are very excited to announce the launch of the new Pacific Neuroscience Institute website, www.PacificNeuro.org Since 2007, the Pacific Brain Tumor Center & Pituitary Disorders Program has been focused on providing comprehensive care and minimally invasive treatment of brain, skull base and pituitary tumors. Over...
Last updated: April 3rd, 2020