global view constructed of white lines


SoCalBio Conference 2017 banner
October 9, 2017

Pacific Neuroscience Institute Research Paves a Way to the Future

by Karter White

Featured at the SoCal Biomedical Conference in September 2017, Drs. Chester Griffiths and Santosh Kesari highlight Pacific Neuroscience Institute's unique collaborative approach to research and patient care.

A Journey to New Frontiers banner
September 25, 2017

PATIENT STORY: Rusty’s Journey to New Frontiers in Glioblastoma Treatment

by Zara Jethani

Brain tumors sometimes make themselves known in baffling ways. With a trio of neurosurgeons and neuro-oncologists at his side, Rusty Doms takes a journey to new frontiers of glioblastoma treatment at the leading edge of medicine.

stroke victim receiving physical therapy
September 19, 2017

Reversing the Effects of a Stroke

by Zara Jethani

When a person suffers a stroke, millions of brain nerve cells die often resulting in motor disabilities such as paralysis and speech difficulties. What if researchers could challenge the brain to recover? That's what PNI researchers are doing for patients up to 7 1/2 years after their attack.

PNI doctors banner
July 31, 2017

Brain Science Research Initiatives

by Zara Jethani

Neurosciences and Neurotherapeutics Brain-based disorders are among the most challenging conditions to treat. However, the neurosciences faculty at Pacific Neuroscience Institute and the Saint John’s Cancer Institute is at the forefront of some of the most promising and innovative approaches in treating brain tumors and...

clinical trials banner
July 14, 2017

Clinical Trials Roundup: July 2017

by Marlon Saria

Pacific Neuroscience Institute offers advanced and often life changing clinical trials for patients with primary brain tumors like glioblastoma multiforme, as well as patients with cancers that have metastasized to the brain from primary cancers such as breast, prostate, and melanoma. Read more.

Clinical Trials banner
June 1, 2017

Clinical Trials Roundup: June 2017

by Marlon Saria

We are pleased to add an Ischemic Stroke study to our clinical trials at Pacific Neuroscience Institute. Ongoing trials in quality & outcomes research & brain cancer are actively recruiting. Read more.

Man On A Mission from Saint John's Foundation on Vimeo.
May 11, 2017

Cancer Clinical Trials: Pushing the Pace of Progress

by Zara Jethani

Clinical trials are the lifeblood of medical advances. Without these studies, new treatments would simply not emerge. Find out about the clinical trials program at Saint John’s Cancer Institute which has significantly expanded its clinical trials program and expects to have more than 60 trials underway by the end of 2017.

patient receiving care from Dr. Kesari
May 1, 2017

Clinical Trials Roundup: May 2017

by Marlon Saria

We are pleased to announce a new clinical trial using the Optune device. Ongoing trials in stroke, quality & outcomes research & brain cancer are actively recruiting. Read more.

clinical trials banner
April 10, 2017

Clinical Trials Roundup: April 2017

by Marlon Saria

We are pleased to present our new clinical trials this month. Find out about our studies in stroke and quality & outcomes research as well as brain cancer.

International Stroke Conference banner
April 3, 2017

2017 International Stroke Conference (ISC)

by Jason Tarpley

Read highlights about the latest news in Stroke from this year's very exciting International Stroke Conference hosted by the American Heart Association.

Last updated: August 2nd, 2019